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tv   [untitled]    January 12, 2013 9:00am-9:30am EST

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washington says it all reassigned its afghan mission to assisting local forces from the spring response by coalition over plans to maintain its military in the chaotic country. mali government forces chase militants out of a key city with the help of french military is strikes after president francois hollande stated intervention in the area will continue for as long as necessary. and a loyalist clashes a shake northern ireland yet again after belfast council's decision to fly the union flag from city hall only eighteen days a year. six
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pm here in moscow are you watching archie in live with me to bomb with their america is to leave local forces in charge of combat operations in afghanistan and source show us support role this spring the announcement came from u.s. president barack obama after a round of talks with his afghan counterpart and what's being held as the last chapter of the u.s. afghan mission but as you can report american involvement in the country looks set to rumble on. during his election campaign president obama may have sounded very resolute to leave afghanistan in two thousand and fourteen but the white house is now negotiating terms to stay there the president said if u.s. forces stayed their role will be different but critics argue it's an attempt to rebrand a military presence which both the majority of americans and afghans
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a pope's take a listen to what president obama said about the mission after twenty fourteen i think. you know although obviously we're still. two years away. i can say with assurance that this is a very different mission. and a very different task and a very different. for the us if we're able to come to an appropriate agreement now one of the key points of the agreement that the president mentioned there the key point probably is immunity from prosecution for u.s. troops so that the afghans cannot prosecute any american soldier if they commit a crime that's the deal that the white house couldn't get from the iraqi government the u.s. wanted to keep some troops there but couldn't because of how we oppose the iraqis were to allowing the u.s. to further operate there with impunity but with homemade karzai it could be different he indicated that he is willing to give that immunity that he's willing to bourg it besides he knows that he's in power because of the americans and many
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experts believe his government will collapse in no time after americans leave but whatever post twenty fourteen deal comes out of their negotiations it might not be easy for washington to sell it to the american people because despite the administration trying to present of ghana sent as a success story in many ways they see it as a failure and don't understand why their troops should stay any further policymakers in washington can't really come out and say that they don't want to walk away and just just pack up and leave from such an important geopolitical position now that they've spent billions and billions of dollars to have a presence there but such chill political calculations may not sound very appealing to the american people at a time when the country's head over heels in debt despite this latest announcement afghan forces are in a position to take full control of this in the war torn country so says phyllis bennis from washington's a base institute for policy studies. we're talking about an official
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acknowledgement by the two governments that now the afghan military is in control what that means is anybody's guess but what it does not mean is that the u.s. troops are going to be pulled out early there's a huge occupation force in the country that's not going to be brought out in twenty thirteen in the spring what we're talking about is a claim that as of that time the afghan people the afghan military the afghan government will officially be in charge they will be in charge of the military now the idea that the u.s. forces still there or the nato forces still there are going to take their orders from the afghan military i think is rather spurious that's certainly not going to happen i don't think the afghan government has the capacity to survive without massive u.s. support that means both economic support and crucially military support but his reliance on that support leads to one massive corruption which is widely hated
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throughout the country karzai has very little public support in the country and militarily his his very large army isn't capable of standing up to the other militias it's one more militia the u.s. leaving will leave his government and his own position in a very in a very precarious moment and he may well not survive that politically now that the afghan president's washington's troops done and dusted lori haas innocent people in new york what they think of the country's campaign in afghanistan. the reason we're here is because of that wonderful oil. it's all about money the fears of the decade long invasion from the streets of the big apple coming your way later in the program. a french pilot. bali as a european nation continues to launch the airstrikes against islamist militants it comes after monday's government troops chase rebels out of the key central time of
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qana aided by the french military let's not talk a more i know with this is the step later with independent journalist or rather tired as he is in strasbourg my son is all we've seen the french casualty and the intervention only began on friday does this action have the support of the wider french public. i think as long as the french people aren't too bothered by the consequences of this sort of intervention they generally favorite because there's a great military tradition in france and they've grown accustomed to interfering other people's countries but if you if the minute it starts to get nasty i think you'll find they'll be a very quick a reversal of public opinion i think the it's not just a pilot being killed what is interesting is there is a report that two helicopters were lost and we all know what that means in terms of fighting these sort of islamic extremists they're very tough soldiers and they've grown tougher over the last twenty years and if france starts to find that these
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people have been armed as a result of the intervention in libya and all the arms of the swilling about in. the sahara as a result of their intervention ironically instigated by france then they're going to find it's a very dangerous place to intervene and incidentally the latest report is that the town has not been completely taken by the french forces and even if it has the still an awful long way to go to the rest of the country. speaking of libya the rebels in mali were reportedly involved in the violence in libya a couple of years ago as pull these fighters can we expect expect the bloodshed in mali to escalate the way did the. well i don't don't think there isn't as much stake financially on our end strategically in mali. but on the other hand this is the sort of intervention it could drag on for a very long time i think what triggered it was the move by the islamic rebels
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towards bamako which is the capital where most of the french citizens are and most of them in the southern end of the country and i think hollande felt he had to do something to protect and this situation has been going on since april. of last year . and it's very awkward for the french because here they are fighting islamic extremists in in mali in syria and they're supporting them people who go around singing songs praising ben lardy and other people who are being armed and supplied and helped by the french special forces in in syria and the situation if it wasn't so go ask of you how inhabitants of the country would be comic my requested french help in its in this ongoing battle against the militants how do you see this military relationship developing well i mean it's quite interesting isn't it mali has requested help and they get it instantly when the central african
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republic requested help from the french forces there they were told no no we can't interfere to tell any particular regime we're neutral. it to do if if you had wanted to destroy the credibility of france and the western countries over the last five or ten years you couldn't have done a better job by the absurd contradictions of of what they do meanwhile in somalia two soldiers have been killed during a failed hostage rescue attempt there is still your mind french hostages currently held across north or in africa do you think this failure will cause france to reassess its methods. i think it is a lesson a sharp rap over the knuckles of public opinion if you like to remind people that was as winston churchill reminded everybody a long time ago a very unpredictable events and if it wasn't so the fact that the other chap thought he had a chance there wouldn't be a war and least of the these islamist extremists are very experienced very well
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armed and very determined to provide harness independent journalist life on strasburg thank you for your time thank you. at least four police officers have been injured in the latest outbreak of loyalist clashes in northern ireland tensions been running high for more than a month after belfast council decided to fly the union flag above city hall for only eighteen days a year archies are for it is in the province and looks into what else is fueling the unrest. recreational rioting that's what some people are calling it. has been taking place all across belfast in the past weeks many of them peaceful but in pockets violence breaking out the crisis is on the other side many of them young their faces covered as police come under attack with rocks and petrol bombs mark easton's the director of the east belfast mission creep is working with young
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protesters to try to calm the tensions some kids are doing it for fun or doing it for more sinister motives in terms of control terms of par in terms of ego. or doing it because it's sexier than the playstation you know young girls are doing a girl's name with young children we've seen on the streets. they're just. having a laugh and yet there's nothing for me. on the surface and this has been about the decision at the beginning of december to limit the number of days the union flag flies at city hall but in what's been the most sustained outbreak of violence since the one nine hundred ninety eight good friday peace agreement and it's clear that the problems run much deeper one of the protesters here asking.
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to start. on the street to protest against. a nice banks a very retail flag. rubbish and. you know when he wanted also it on the streets for his own actions we can make for the thing the protesters would expect any kind of compromise when it comes to this year when the flag of it's the flag turn out said. we know we're not going to get back up to normal action because it's the majority. any unionist horns now forms to try to reengage politically but we're told much more will need to be done they'll be no quick fixes here i don't think there's any silver bullet i think there's a different things need to happen economic. investment political investment community investment by and by all the stakeholders in these communities to try and
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resolve the wide raft of issues that are a blight you say far there's been over one hundred people arrested more than sixty police officers injured and millions of pounds spent in policing these riots and in lost business revenue there these riots have been highly localized the damage has already been far reaching this is a new generation bringing file and back onto the streets of belfast it's a far cry from the darker days of northern ireland's conflicts that doesn't make it any less trouble. so. on the way crime and punishment find out why those accused of committing notorious massacres showing the syrian conflict could soon be getting a ticket to the hague. also ahead find out if the prime minister's support
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can solve is the u.k. struggling taxol manufactures that report and much more just ahead. you know he's a good laboratory here mukherjee was able to build the needs most sophisticated robot which on fortunately doesn't give a darn about anything turns mission to teach music creation why it should care about humans and world this is why you should care watch only on the. world with. science technology innovation all the news developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. the giant corporations are on the day. you're watching r t a group of more than fifty countries is preparing to officially asked the un security council to refer the crisis in syria to the hague the move could pave the way for war crimes prosecutions by the international court of backers of the initiative stress that grows while asians have taken place during the twenty two month conflict and everyone responsible should be held to account it follows the later as a round of mediation talks in geneva where russia the us and the top peace envoy to syria regenerated a commitment to a peaceful solution to the crisis and as
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a relentless of fighting rages on some western expertise or claim damascus might be hiding a stockpile of role uranium a political analyst or monash avi believes that state that statement should be taken with a pinch of salt. there's a lot of noise about it there was a bombing in two thousand and seven the israeli jets bombed the site in syria claiming that it is a nuclear site there was no indication yes the i.a.e.a. visited the site the i.a.e.a. said that there were traces of uranium of depleted uranium but they did not confirm that there was any quantity or at least you know this huge quantity that is being publicized i mean they're saying fifty tons of uranium this is this is i don't know where they come up with the number. of yes the i did some research and it appears that they came up with a number because they they feel they are coming up with the story that this site that was there that was bombed in two thousand and seven would actually require fifty tons that doesn't mean that the syrians actually have fifty tons and that
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doesn't mean that the site is actually for a nuclear program the syrian central government was able to control more the past six months there is an advance of the syrian army and the syrian official police and they are controlling most of the country there are only some areas in the countryside where rebel fighters are in some areas in the countryside where the syrian army withdrew from these areas because they thought that these areas were not important strategically but overall the syrian central government under the leadership of president assad controls most of the syrian territory obviously it's difficult because there are many fighters infiltrating from outside syria there are many a lot of money being infiltrated being pumped into syria to these rebel groups by a neighboring country especially by by turkey by qatar by other european and by the united states there is a sponsorship of these terror groups crumbling roads and bridges and a flickering electrical grid americans infrastructure is creaking and it's becoming
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a bigger problem and even the mother nature has played a hand in wrecking supplies recently the government is am marking money for almost anything other than energy as mine up nine explains. over the past decade america has spent hundreds of billions in the name of national security wars military intervention fighting terrorist and hunting online hackers meantime getting much less attention is a domestic danger lurking in and lighting up every corner of the country the u.s. power grid in recent months federal officials have warned that america's electric cables substations and transformers are not sufficiently secured and are vulnerable to attack by anyone with a weapon and some basic know how experts say the energy grid is also outdated and antiquated unable to prevent outages from cascading in october superstorm sandy hit
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twenty four states causing some sixty three billion dollars in damage more than four and a half million people lost power and new york was left crippled by massive floods leaving much of the city including half of the big apple plunged into darkness two months after the storm the streets of downtown manhattan remain clogged with tubes wires and heavy equipment because dozens of the city's iconic skyscrapers still rely on generators for power things like this. major building. that does not occur in hong kong and shanghai. because they have built systems designed to deal with the reality of nature. it is this kind corners. hosen you know most of you reckon economy when it comes to america's electricity ninety percent of the grid is privately owned by utility companies beholden to
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investors. and there. is law actually. and. now. only by regulation own the federal government amend that law it regulation state and local governments though it possible to haul. the grids to gather that he is saying there are many reasons not only financial but also policy reasons where really changes have to come about if we want to change our safety and livelihood the changes aren't just limited to the grid engineers have warned that many of america's bridges roads dams levees and
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power plants are in danger of crumbling if not repaired especially as sea levels continue rising even one bomb has nothing compared to what hurricane sandy did across the northeast a thousand miles of destruction there was a very very big natural event. and you know to have congress not funding the. repair of the basic cable infrastructure. is just staggering. like a broken foundation that risks the chance of becoming the nation's biggest homegrown danger marina portnoy archie new york. on our website right now hundreds of aboriginal rights activists staging a mass rally in canada pledging to bring the country's economy to its knees find out why online. plus enraged at the flailing economy it appears some greeks have declared war on the mainstream media log on to r.t.
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dot com to find out more. british clothing manufacturers are calling for support from the prime minister and government amid growing concerns over the lack of products made in the u.k. but with more and more clothing being imported from overseas tours could prove tricky as our g.'s laura smith reports. it's got the british flag on it but all these clothes made in britain a quick look at the label shows they're not made in china or made in vietnam anywhere but here and down on the high street the stories no different you'd be hard pushed to find anything with a made in britain label on it in any shop a recent survey by a daily mail journalist found just one item in sixty three with a british made label but now david cameron and his ministers are being urged to back british from their hats to their socks and wear only british made clothes it's
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not impossible there are companies that still make clothes in the u.k. including the firm that's doing the urging private white p.c. but the vast majority of what we were ninety percent at the last count and including everything i'm wearing today is made abroad since two thousand and fifty two percent has jobs in the textile industry have disappeared and we imported twelve and a half billion pounds worth more clothing than we export it last year even some companies that trade on their very british n'est don't manufacture here so even if david cameron and his colleagues did pledge only to buy british it's unlikely to revive britain's ailing textile industry. has washington been bluffing about the troop withdrawal from afghanistan and was in time mission justified in the first place his resident hit the streets of new york to gauge opinion.
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the obama administration has recently said that it's considering having no troops in afghanistan after december of two thousand and fourteen is that a good thing a bad day or a totally made up thing designed for political shenanigans this week let's talk about that do you even think he's going to do it he said that to years ago and it didn't happen so i don't buy it so why does he keep saying it if he doesn't mean it . to get people to like and their families will be happy with hopefully you know you finish what you started what did we start and what do we have to finish what is finishing mean. to capture or. do you think that we've defined what and means it's tough because you know we don't
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know everything i think we need to have a world presence to maintain the market why is it up to us to maintain a world presence why don't we just get out of everyone's business well that's a good idea too but if no if we don't do it nobody will and otherwise the world's going to go to war and we really need a stabilizing factor and until now in time it's been us but we're the ones causing all the wars. depends on your perspective i guess i'm sort board more defending than attacking but don't you think that there are some people in the world that feel like america imposes its will on their country's sport america's will lose its freedom and democracy at its heart it's not a fanatical you don't think it's its own might be money and imperialism a little bit too i don't believe that it is imperialism. and what about money do you think that money might drive some of our reasons for most of course but money is going to help everybody i don't think it's happening i i just came back from afghanistan so so you don't believe he's really going to pull the troops away.
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entirely i think that i think that there our presence there is important and therefore sustaining what we've done so far my opinion is the reason we are over there is because of the wonderful oil and i don't have it's all about money and. that's a marine as someone who puts your life on the line doesn't that make you mad it makes me really upset because we have a lot of marines that are dying each and every day in afghanistan you know and you know for god's sakes i can be next you know so it does make me pretty upset that he's promising something that he's not owning up to the bottom line is we're so used to having u.s. troops all over the world up in everyone's business that we probably can't imagine us pulling out of anywhere and that makes americans the world's bullies whether we like it or not.
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next heads to the arctic circle northern russia stay with us. because of recent events guns have a again become a big issue all over the usa both sides are throwing their talking point ammunition back and forth and we hear a lot of conflicting stories well in australia they got tough on guns and crime went down but then again others say in the u.k. they got rid of all their gods and all hell broke loose i've heard stories that you are way more likely to be killed by a deer in your headlights than get taken out by a maniac with
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a tech nine but then again i've heard that soon deaths from guns will exceed even deaths from car accidents japan is safe because it has no guns but switzerland is even safer because automatic weapons are all over the place the information is all very contradictory but ultimately it doesn't matter what facts and reports you throw at the other side the gun question is a philosophical one some people would rather at least feel like they have their fate in their own hands even if there is a chance they will shoot their own dog in the middle of the night and other people are so concerned with safety and are so full of fear for their fellow man that they'd rather disarm everyone and leave all the weapons in the hands of the criminals or have them legal or not anyways and in the hands of the government who was seems pretty happy to use force at home and abroad i don't know i'd rather risk the unpredictable actions of some idiots out there in society but at least have the ability defend myself and have some control over my life and a means to resist oppression but that's just my opinion.
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the white sea its surface remains choked with ice when ily seven months a year. the chilly breath of the arctic ocean keeps the water freezing cold. near the coast however the high winds and bitter cold recede. there even in winter also can be seen through holes in the ice. cream. board squeals and cracking.


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